Jason stooks for District 3 latah County Commissioner

Confidence Through Collaboration

“Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.” - Philippians 2:3-4

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Your Vote For The Success Of Others

Success in any endeavour has greater potential for achievement when working together as a community. As employees of the people, Latah County Commissioners support that success.                

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Freedom To Succeed

Latah is a diverse community of citizens working to achieve their dreams. Latah County Commissioners are employees of the people, how can we work together towards strengthening freedom and the success of others?                                            

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About Candidate

Jason for Latah                                          

I have been married for 17 years to my lovely wife and together we have raised a successful well-rounded daughter who is currently attending the police academy for Moscow PD. I am also a 20 plus year small business owner. Four of those years, operating a solutions-based business in Moscow providing emergency preparedness medical training, personal protection education, and event services in Latah County and surrounding areas. I attended the University of Idaho for my bachelor’s in criminology with an emphasis of emergency management. I am currently Latah County’s Deputy Program Manager for the Coummunity Emergency Response Team, link to learn more--> (CERT) , and a licensed EMT. I have also had 6 years experience doing accounts payable work, this included processing expense reports for 120 offices nationwide at a Fortune 500 company, working with state agencies across the country processing wage garnishments, project accounting at an international level, and with a clothing distributer handling the processing of large sum licensing payments to well known brands. My other variety of work experience in my lifetime includes HVAC service technician, as well as security professional providing executive protection and gang abatement in South Central Los Angeles. All of these work experiences has provided me with the abilities to use conflict resolution, active listening, strategic thinking, and analytical thinking skills effectively. 

Through my faith, my loving family, and the many mentors in my life, I am blessed to be able to serve in our community so that others may succeed. I have spent the last 10 plus years working towards building my skills and education so that I may provide others with the same opportunities for success, which I will forever be grateful for. 


  • Name

    Jason Stooks
  • Email


  • Phone

  • Address

    Moscow, ID 

  • 2022

     Campaigned for               Moscow City Council
  • 2022

    Latah GOP District 5 Precinct Committeeman - Moscow, ID
  • 2022

    Latah County Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Training Instructor
  • 2023

    Latah County CERT Deputy Program Manager
  • Education 

    Graduated from University of Idaho - Criminology, Emergency Management
  • Community Involvement

    Latah County CERT Member & Deputy Program Manager
  • Small Business Owner

    iE Solutions Group                        Moscow, ID 


     Political Win

    Elected Precinct 5 Commiteeman for Latah GOP Central Commitee

Role of

County Commissioner

Levy of Taxes & Audit of County Funds

"To levy such tax annually on the taxable property of the county as may be necessary not exceeding the amount authorized by law; and to levy such taxes as are required to be levied by special or local statutes." 

"To examine and audit the accounts of all officers having the care, management, collection or disbursement of moneys belonging to the county, or appropriated by law, or otherwise, for its use and benefit." 

Fees For County Services & Fixing of Salaries

 "Notwithstanding any other provision of law, a board of county commissioners may impose and collect fees for those services provided by the county that would otherwise be funded by ad valorem tax revenues." 

"To fix the compensation of all county officers and employees, and provide for the payment of the same."                                                                          

Contracts For Fire Protection

 "The boards of county commissioners in their respective counties shall have the authority and power to enter into contracts with a city or a fire protection district for the provision of fire or life protection services, or both of them, in areas of the county not otherwise receiving fire or life protection."


County Prohibitions On Utility Connections

"No county, incorporated or unincorporated area, special use district, or any other local government entity of any kind may enact or implement any resolution, policy, or ordinance that: (3) Requires residents or businesses within the county to use a particular type or generation source of electricity, natural gas, propane, or other fuel." 


my mission

So That Others Can Succeed

Levy of Taxes & Audit of County Funds

 As County Commissioner, I will work towards appropriate budgeting to ensure that the county can fulfill its duties for its residents efficiently, without the need to create increases in taxes that would further burden our residents.

As a small business owner, County Commissioners need to review budgets just like a business, determining cost savings and what spending we can do without. This way we can cut spending and allocate funds appropriately, ensuring county departments can run efficiently.                                                                                                                     

Fees For County Services & Fixing of Salaries

 As County Commissioner, I will work with each department that provides services to the county's residents and determine ways to reduce fees and aid job growth. 

There are a variety of county job duties that require higher levels of skills and they should be compensated accordingly. We want to retain skilled workers to ensure our county is running efficiently.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

Contracts For Fire Protection

 As County Commissioner, I will work with the volunteer fire and EMS to find a way to provide some compensation for volunteers or to be able to increase the number of paid service providers to retain quality care and service. Working in a first responder capacity is not an easy task. 

As a licensed EMT and medical trainer and having worked with first responders and military personnel, the trauma from being on calls and the difference between a positive call for service or not, requires both funding for training and a way to show our appreciation as a community.

County Prohibitions On Utility Connections

 Is the incentivizing of electrical vehicle charging hookups in multi-family homes a proper way to minimize the cost of housing in the county? Our power grid infrastructure has experienced many outages from natural to man-made events, and increasing the power drawn with electrical vehicle chargers in new homes presents a situation of potential failure. 

As County Commissioner, I will make it my priority to make decisions in the lens of the public interest and safety of the community.                                                                                                                                                                                     

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Consistent with our constitution and our nation’s founding documents, the Idaho Republican Party is committed to limited government; strong local communities; independent families; and freedom of the individual. Our nation requires informed citizens capable of self-rule. True equality, as given by the Creator, is predicated on recognizing the dignity and liberty of every man and woman; this bedrock principle undergirds the Idaho Republican Party’s sustained dedication to the working men and women who labor to make Idaho stronger and more prosperous.

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Confidence Through Collaboration

Through working together we can help others succeed in Latah County. 

 Vote for Jason Stooks - District 3 Latah County Commissioner

“Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.” - Philippians 2:3-4